Dial up the Diegetics: Musical Sound Effects for the Video Game Composer (GDC 2024)

Award-winning video game music composer Winifred Phillips works in her music studio at Generations Productions on music for the project LittleBigPlanet 2: Cross Controller.

By Winifred Phillips | Contact | Follow

Hello everyone!  I’m video game composer Winifred Phillips, and I’m delighted to share that I’ll be delivering a lecture this March in San Francisco during the Game Developers Conference — one of the top industry conferences of the year.  My lecture is entitled “Dial Up the Diegetics: Musical Sound Effects,” and I was honored that GDC included it as a featured audio selection in the GDC 2024 Session Guide, and highlighted my participation as a GDC speaker this year by including me in the GDC 2024 Speaker Spotlight.  My lecture takes place on Thursday, March 21st in Room 3002 West Hall at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, and I’m really looking forward to this one!  We’ll be taking a detailed look at various ways that music and sound-design can cross fertilize each other.  Specifically, my presentation will focus on how environmental and incidental sound effects can be directed towards musical applications.  These audio assets, typically used by sound design experts, can serve to introduce quirky novelty into a game’s musical score.  They can also deepen player immersion in the environment of the game.

Official logo and scheduling info for the Game Developers Conference 2024. This image is included in the article by award-winning game music composer Winifred Phillips.

While I don’t want to spoil the content of my presentation, I thought I’d take this opportunity to break down an example of this technique from one of my projects.  This particular example was regrettably cut from my presentation due to time constraints, which affords me the opportunity to share it here instead!  While my lecture will have a much wider scope on the topic of musical diegetics, this article will drill down on one specific case-study.  So let’s start with some basic definitions.

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