Montreal International Game Summit

Welcome-Sign-MIGSI’ve just returned from the Montreal International Game Summit, at the Palais des congrès de Montréal.

It’s an enormous building, with a streetfacing wall of rainbow-tinted glass that casts striking patterns of light on the floors when the sun is shining. Also, a small forest of hot pink tree trunks decorates the ground level.

For a convention center, there’s no shortage of color and whimsy at the Palais des congrès de Montréal.

It was a pleasure to be able to speak at this summit for the first time. I’ve composed music for a number of games that were either developed or published by Canadian companies. These include Assassin’s Creed Liberation, Fighter Within, and Spore Hero. This made it especially exciting for me to address such a creative and inspirational gathering as the game development community in Montreal!


My session was entitled Assassin’s Creed Liberation: The Power of Musical Themes. A video of my talk has been posted to YouTube:

It was exciting to address an audience that included some of my peers from the Ubisoft development studios in Montreal. Ubisoft had a very strong presence at MIGS. Here’s a photo of one of their displays in the convention center:


My talk about the music of Assassin’s Creed Liberation went very well, and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting people after the session and further discussing some of the ideas I’d shared in my session talk.

The view from the convention center was very impressive. This is a photo I took quickly as I ascended the escalators.


The MIGS art gallery was beautiful and inspired.


I enjoyed the MIGS VIP cocktail reception. Below is a photo of the sea of cupcakes that greeted attendees at the reception. The cupcakes offer helpful hints regarding the direction in which game development will go in the coming years.


I had a fantastic time speaking at MIGS. Thanks to everyone I met this week in Montreal – it was a pleasure!

GameSoundCon 2013


I’ve just come back from a fantastic experience at GameSoundCon, the premiere conference on game music and sound design. It was great to see so many old friends and new faces, and I really enjoyed the conference’s expansion into the LA Convention Center. I’m usually there every year for E3, which is always a mind-blowing spectacle, so revisiting the place when it’s less hectic was a welcome change of pace.

Speaking at GameSoundCon 2013

Speaking at GameSoundCon 2013

This was my first time speaking at a GameSoundCon event, and the audience was very welcoming. My session, From LittleBigPlanet to Assassin’s Creed Liberation: Adventures in Melodic Composition, took place on the second day of the conference, during the Game Audio Pro track for experienced game industry folks. It was a pleasure to share some tips and techniques, and I really appreciated the warm reception I received. Special thanks to those of you who came up to me afterwards and talked to me about your own experiences. It was wonderful meeting you!

A portion of the audience for my presentation at GameSoundCon

A portion of the audience for my presentation at GameSoundCon

As an added bonus, the GameSoundCon event took place immediately preceding GDC Next, and they were both located in the LA Convention Center, so I was able to attend both events. The expo floor for GDC Next was especially enjoyable, since it included booths for a lot of smaller mobile and app developers that can sometimes be overshadowed at larger shows like GDC.


Also, I had the opportunity to attend a GDC Next presentation by the Writers Guild of America award-winning co-writer of Assassin’s Creed Liberation, Jill Murray. Her presentation focused on how to incorporate compelling female protagonists into all sorts of intriguing game concepts. She did a fantastic job, and it was great seeing her there!

Jill Murray