Video Game Music Composers: The Timed Challenge (Pt. 2)

A photo of game music composer Winifred Phillips working in her music production studio on the musical score of the Spyder video game from Sumo Digital.  Winifred Phillips is an award-winning video game composer whose credits include games from five of the biggest franchises in gaming (Assassin's Creed, God of War, Total War, LittleBigPlanet, The Sims).

By Winifred Phillips  |  Contact  |  Follow

So happy you’ve joined us!  I’m videogame composer Winifred Phillips.  Welcome to my two-part article series on the process of composing music for timed challenges in video games!  Since timed challenges are a popular gameplay mechanic that has featured prominently in my most recently released project (The Spyder DLC missions), I thought it might be interesting for us to take a closer look at what makes a timed challenge tick!

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